- #Firefox screenshot install#
- #Firefox screenshot full#
We use it to choose the firefox window that shows the page, and to send the right key strokes to make the screenshot. Then select Take Screenshot from the drop-down list. The command line utility xdotool can interact with X windows on the level of X11 events. First, open Firefox and navigate to the website you want to capture as a screenshot. Xdotool key -window $FF Return sleep 0.5 key -window $FF Shift+F2 Xdotool type -window $FF -delay 50 "screenshot page-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).png -fullpage " We need to choose a browser window, open the prompt, enter the firefox internal command (using a file name based on current date and time), run the command, and close the prompt again: FF=$(xdotool selectwindow) But what we can do, is to simulate key presses to make use of it. But, as far as I know, that can not controlled from the command shell line normally. There is an internal command prompt in firefox, kind of a development tool, which, as pointed out, has a command to make screenshots. The "hackish" way - using internal firefox commands by keyboard automation: " on the Add-ons website - very confusing.)
Certain pages that contain the HTML