Swhacker #282 Hank Parker Signature Series Swhacker’s latest will go for $43.95 per 3. Rage NC Technology The new Rage 2-Blade NC is one of three classic Rage heads now being offered with the company’s No Collar technology. The regular Hemoshock is available now, and the DP will be available in May. Both the Hemoshock and Hemoshock DP have a 2-3/4-inch expandable cutting surface, though the DP is designed specifically for deep penetration no matter what draw weight you pull or how much kinetic energy your setup produces. technologies work together to create even better downrange accuracy and harder-hitting impacts. According to the company, the Air Foil and F.A.C.T. For 2023, Ramcat has upgraded both of these heads by adding Firenock Aero Centric Technology (F.A.C.T.), a double-O-ring system on the treaded shank designed to eliminate any slop in the arrow-to-head connection and ensure perfectly alignment. Ramcat’s Hemoshock and Hemoshock DP mechanical broadheads still boast the company’s marque Air Foil Technology, in which hollowed-out surfaces on the tip push air away from the head to mitigate wind planing for better accuracy. Once you get the right combination, you are ready for any big game animal.Related: The Best Broadheads of 2022, Tested and Reviewed Ramcat Hemoshock and Hemoshock DP Both the Hemoshock and the Hemoshock DP will retail for $45 per 3. It’s critical that you test your broadheads from your bow shooting your choice of an arrow. The trajectory difference between 100, 125, and 150-grain heads at 30 yards is minimal, however, all of the above variables affect impact. Did some heavier broads strike the same hole at 30 yards as lighter ones? Yes.Does the shape of the broad matter? Yes.Does the brand of broadhead matter? Yes.You’ll find information like this in my new book “Crossbow Hunting- A YouTube Quick Guide” along with many helpful videos. Fortunately, most modern crossbows have such high kinetic energy that penetration is rarely a problem. the improved diameter of the arrow shaft nearly doubled penetration. During those tests, I tried the narrow Axis shafts, and that improved penetration dramatically. One of my tests used a Gearhead crossbow that shoots traditional arrows. The best way to select a broadhead is to test it on a foam target. This would not be true for animal tissue. However, I believe that foam melting in the target block tends to stop all arrows the same. Penetration in foam increased 10-15 percent. Shooting them into a new foam target I expected there to be vast differences with the heavier arrows. I once set up a crossbow for a Cape buffalo hunt and experimented with arrows from 600 to 950 grains in mass. Increasing the mass of your broadhead may help tighten groups, but will do little to increase penetration. Additionally, I had two brands of carbon arrows and Easton FMJ which combine carbon and aluminum.

Grim Reaper broadheads are sold in a 4-pack that includes a practice head so that I didn’t have to burn several hundred dollars in heads for this test. Grim Reaper is one of the few broadhead companies that offer their heads in three weights, 100, 125, and 150-grain mass, perfect for this test. While I slept in camp the first night, he had his welding gear fired up creating a two-man mobile cow decoy. I hunted for antelope with the inventor of Grim Reaper broadheads a few years ago and learned quickly of his inventive mind. With a compound shooting in the high 200’s or low 300’s the difference would be greater.īroadhead Tests Grim Reaper broadheads are sold in 4-packs that include a practice head.

Understand that this bow shoots over 400 fps which helps to reduce arrow drop at 30 yards. I probably spoiled the suspense with the lead photo, but the minimal difference may surprise you. To test the difference between 100, 125, and 150-grain mass, I took to my shooting bench to see “what’s up.” The bow is the Centerpoint Amped 415 shooting carbon 300-grain arrows that came with the crossbow package.